Located near Clemson, SC, Tetramer is an advanced materials company dedicated to the development of market-driven materials and transitioning those materials from the lab to the market or battlefield. With extensive R&D and manufacturing capabilities, Tetramer serves as both a research partner and a supplier of proprietary custom materials. We also provide analytical services to support manufacturers in solving their materials-related challenges.
Our team includes scientists and engineers with backgrounds in organic, physical, polymer, and analytical chemistry, ceramic engineering, materials science, and chemical engineering. With expertise in materials design, synthesis, analytical characterization, and scale-up, we provide customized support to our partners across every stage of innovation from molecule to manufacturing. Our team of Molecular Architects™ provides custom materials development to industrial customers, those in the defense and energy sectors, and new ventures
Special thanks to the Upstate SC Alliance for the production of this video.
Core Competencies
Tetramer has the team and infrastructure in place to support materials development and commercialization across all stages of the development lifecycle. We come alongside our customers to develop and transition new applied materials to the market through a fundamental understanding of chemistry and business.
Chemical Synthesis
Design of Functional Materials
Fundamental Structure/Property Relationships of Materials
World Class Analytical Characterization Capabilities
Process Research to Reduce Manufacturing Costs
Intimate Joint Customer Product Development
Tetramer Team
“Tetramer is a company where technology finds the scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs to allow its transition to market and where people find the tools and opportunities to fulfill their own potential.”

Our commitment to the technology
Each member of the Tetramer Team has a deep desire to see new materials make it into the market and benefit the consumer. A new material that languishes in the lab is a failure. This belief has driven us to this work and gives us great joy in aiding our industrial and government partners.
Our commitment to our people and their growth as scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs
We provide both the physical and technical infrastructure (the building, the lab space, the hoods, the supplies and the analytical capabilities) and the operational infrastructure (finance, IT, safety, professional development) to allow our team to focus on transitioning technologies from the lab to the market. Tetramer is a place where scientists are themselves their only limitation.
First created by our team in 2008, these are our guiding principles
Have Fun
Life is too short for work to be boring! We celebrate our successes with the Party Button, we gather together with our families a couple of times a year for crawfish and beer, we take time out for throwing donut holes (doccino), we eat copious amounts of popcorn together, we wear Hawaiian shirts on Fridays, and we don’t take ourselves too seriously.
Environment of Amnesty
This one is huge for us. The work environment we create and sustain energizes our team and enables our success. This goes for all our communications – both internally as we collaborate with each other and externally in our interactions with our partners and customers.
In our line of work, a robust safety program is not optional. At Tetramer, our commitment to Safety is clear in our culture. We have an employee led safety committee that oversees all aspects of safety. They oversee monthly safety training and testing. We believe we have a responsibility to ourselves and our coworkers to proactively prevent safety incidents.
Project Success Oriented Communication
Transitioning technologies is why we are here. We are committed to the successful accomplishment of the goals of our customers and partners above all else, and purposeful communication of risks, timelines, issues, progress and successes are critical. We believe that, while not always convenient, there is great value in face-to-face interaction, whether that means flying in for a meeting or video conferencing for an update.
Live Within Our Means
Fiscal responsibility has been a priority since our founding in 2001. Being good stewards of our own funds as well as the dedicated funds from our partners is of utmost importance.
Be Efficient and Effective in Meetings
We meet to collaborate and exchange ideas, but we won’t meet for the sake of meeting. Our time is valuable, and we will not waste it. We will do our best to differentiate between discussions/brainstorming sessions and decisions/down-select meetings.
Encourage Professional Development Opportunities
“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” -- Henry Ford.
At Tetramer, we are “doing our best and trying to get better” in everything. We are living out this commitment with professional development opportunities and a culture of candid feedback. We know that project and company success are tied to our individual growth, and growth always requires honesty and effort.
Clearly Assign Duties to Work More Efficiently
By maintaining clear expectations for our work within our team, we can best serve our customers and our teammates, both personally and technically.
Transform Ideas into Value Added Commercial Products with Quality and Integrity
We work with customers who share our values. We realize every individual and every company is unique, but partners must have shared trust and understanding before we can create. Demonstrated integrity and ethics lead to open technical communications and good personal relationships with each of our customers. Clear alignment in these areas paves the way for business and technical success.